How To Make Contact With Russian WomenThe ideal way to meet a Russian woman is for you to travel to Russia and spend some time there. Intensive schools where you live in Russia and learn the language. You will meet them in everyday life. There are a number of ways to meet Russian women. The ideal way is for you to travel to Russia and spend some time there. There are lots of women in Russia and no matte where you go, you will meet them. Whether it is a work environment or a school environment, you will usually have a lot of contact with Russian women. In addition, the sexual harassment legislation that you find in the U.S. is non-existant in Russia. The women there don't want to be harassed, but they do appreciate the attention of men. There are intensive schools where you live in Russia and learn the language, the people, the culture, and the country. If you have six months or more of your time and have the desire to spend that long in Russia, this situation may be ideal for you. Please let me know about your experience if you decide to go this route. At a live-in intensive language school located in Russia, you will meet Russian women in the course of your daily life. You will meet them under most natural of circumstances and have time to get to know them. This is why it is the most ideal situation for meeting Russian women. However, most Western men don’t have the luxury or the desire to spend six months or more living in Russia. Most have financial, career, and family obligations that restrict the amount of time they can spend there. For them, they need an expedited way to meet that special woman. Perhaps they have two weeks to spend traveling to Russia or other CIS countries. What is the best way for a man in such circumstances to meet a Russian Woman? Author: John Kunkle |